Thursday, May 14, 2020

Look Up Child!

I was feeling a little down because of the Stay At Home policy from the state, but that did not prevent me from taking a walk today. Being out in the country there are not many people I would come in contact with.

As I walked, I was looking down and got even more depressed. All around there seemed to be nothing but emptiness, bare fields of brown ground, dead plants, and leaves. There was trash thrown on the side of the road and ditch near a muddy stream. Everything looks so bleak.

As I walked, I could only see the long empty road ahead of me as I turned around to head back the mile and a half to my home. No people, no cars, I do not even think I see or heard a bird. Even the wind was still and the silence deafening.

I started to talk with God and ask, maybe more like shouting.


And then inside of me a voice said quietly,

 “Look up child, I’m here!”

I took my eyes off the ground and started to look up. I looked at the sky and seen beautiful clouds and sunlight. I seen new growth on the high branches of the trees, and birds flying in the air, carefree to what was going on below. Everywhere I looked I seen something different, new life coming from what seemed to be dead and forsaken.

And then a funny thing happened, as I looked down again, I seen things differently. Beyond the dead plants and leaves new growth appeared. Dormant plants were starting to come to life. Flowers were starting to bud out and new stocks were breaking through the brown earth. Sounds of birds chirping and geese honking, frogs singing near the ponds filled the air. 

Sounds of life abounded, cars came down the road with people waving as they went by. A neighbor was out cutting grass and the sound of children playing in a yard could be heard. And that voice said to me, 

“See I am near, you just have to look up child.”

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