There is some much going on in the world, from political upheavals, to sexual abuse, not just in the Catholic Church, but also in other churches and public venues. And so much is going on in personal lives, from bullying in schools and jobs, the immigrants, both legal and illegal, the poor and needy and those abusing the system making it hard for those who really need the help.
Some of the words from the song Worn best describes how I feel. Words like “My soul feels crushed
By the weight of this world, And I know that you can give me rest, So I cry out with all that I have left.” “I want to know a song can rise From the ashes of a broken life, And all that's dead inside can be reborn Cause I'm worn.”
Can any good come out of all these things? Can the people who were hurt and in need get through all these hurts? Will the innocent people be able to stand up to the ridicule that others will dish out, just because these others will lump them together with the ones who did the injustice? Will the pain that is eating at our lives and our souls keep us from still doing good for those who need our help? Will the pain eating at other’s lives and souls keep them from turning to those who still want help them? I don’t have an answer.
I have asked God to give me some understanding in all this, some kind of sign that would help me make sense of all these things. Today I think I may have seen that sign, or at least have some hope for the future.
A few weeks ago my wife noticed some bugs on a few plants that was given to us from a friend. Japanese Beatles had attacked the plants and started to eat the leaves of the plants. My nephew came over and spayed the plants but I didn’t know if the damage done was too much for the plants to survive. Today I looked out our patio door and noticed some new flowers. I went to check and see where they were coming from, and found that the damaged plants, even though many of their leaves were severely damaged, continued to grow and produce beautiful flowers.
Could this be the sign I needed to see? Could there be hope that even though something or someone who was mercilessly hurt, could still survive and continue to grow through the pain? I can only hope it can be so, that with a little help from others, even through hurt or damage was done, life can continue to grow. And that something beautiful can still come out of it all.
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