Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Which Way Should I Go?

   How many times have you asked yourself that very question? It could be a question about a career change, a health change, or just an attitude change.

   It could be a direction that you want to go that could have earth shattering consequences. Or could just be something simple as, which way do I want to take to get home tonight.
   It could be a question that you put out to God. Which way do you want me to go God? Or maybe it's not the question at all, but just the nudge from God to put you on a certain path, that you have no knowledge of what lies ahead.

   Well tonight on my way home from work it was just a simple question. You see I have about four different ways that I could go to get home from work today, and I just wasn't sure which way I should take. Do I take Highway 29 to Highway 32 and go through Pulaski, or do I turn off at Maplewood Meats and take the back roads going past Anston and Kunush? I could take Highway 41 North to County B and go past Flintville and the cheese factory. Maybe I should stay on 41 a little farther and turn off on Brown Road and then to South Chase Road.

   Well I decided I'm taking the County B route, but just as I was getting to the exit I felt that little nudge that made me decide to go a little farther to Brown Road. 
Now that route is the longest of any of the roads and I really wanted to get home, because it's really cold out tonight and I'm tired from 12 hours of work, but I decide to follow the nudge. 

   I make it to the railroad tracks then around the corner and then turn on South Chase Road. Taking my time, driving slow, headlights on bright, watching the sides of the road, because this road is notorious for having deer jump out in front of cars. 
As I get a little past Schoolhouse Road I notice a light in the ditch and as I get closer, see that it is a car with an elderly man getting out of the driver side. I pull off to the side of the road, put the car in reverse, and back up to where he is. 

   My old rescue squad days kick in and I check to see if he's okay. He is just a little shaken up but his car is in much worse shape, definitely will not be going anywhere soon. He tells me that he was coming from the other direction when five deer came out on the road and one decided to stay in the middle of the road and he hit it. 

   He told me that his son just moved into the area about a mile down the road, that's where he was coming from. He was going to walk back there, but it is bitterly cold out with a wind chill of -11, so I gave him a ride back to the house.

   Now that route was my last choice, but God knew where he needed me to be. And this time, it only took a little nudge.

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