Yesterday was two years that my brother Ron past from this life to the next. It was a tough day as I went 22 hours with out sleeping. When I got home from work I had a few things to do and finally got in a short nap on a very dreary day.
I slept for maybe a hour or two and then woke up feeling very, for lack of a good word, apprehensive. I just started walking around the house aimlessly, not quite sure what I was doing. It seemed like I was looking for something but didn't know what.
I began to think of my brother, and the last conversation we had. I always heard of others say they wish they could have said certain things to their loved one before they died. It was hard that day to see my brother lying in bed, just a shell of what he was just a few months before.
It was at a point where he was still alert to the things around him, but he could no longer speak, except in quite whispers. I basically just sat at the edge of his bed and held his hand.
Then the words just came out. "Ron I am really jealous of you right now." A look of confusion came on his face as I continued. " You are going to see Jesus before me!" At that point he took his other hand and started to rub mine, as in a way to comfort me.
Here I am at his death bed trying to comfort him, and he is comforting me! With that he motioned to me to come closer and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and in a faint whisper said "It's OK I'm ready."
I gave him a kiss on the forehead and told him I loved him and that he will always be my older brother. That was the last time I seen my brother in this world as he pasted to the next a few hours after.
I feel so fortunate to have been able to have that time with him, as many are never able to have that last chance to say good bye.
I love you bro, always have and always will, for now and forever. Rest in peace my brother.
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